
Fri, Oct 13

A pitch is an important way to get people excited about the piece which you want to write and to receive feedback on your ideas before you commit to them fully. When writing a pitch, it’s important to have a strong hook to get the reader immediately interested in your idea. This pitch starts off your introduction, which also introduces your main thesis or the main research question you want to answer in your piece.

The following paragraphs of your pitch explore the various implications of your thesis or research question, which will encompass possible routes your writing can go down. The last paragraph is where you formally propose your piece, where you specify the word count that you will be working within and what you wish to accomplish through your writing. It is a good idea to acknowledge the boundaries– aside from word count– that will determine how in depth you explore your thesis. How comprehensively will you be exploring your topic? What limitations will prevent you from going further?

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Do This:

Paper 2: 1500–2000 words. Write a personal essay or “confession” about your relationship with nature. Reflect on your own faith or non-faith and consider how that connects to your relationship to nature. 

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